Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tour De Ooty!!!

The 12D classroom of DAV Matriculation school Mogappair had a sustained silence at that time of the day, when our computer science teacher, who happened to be our class teacher as well, was going on and on about C programming. The class normally remains that way, unless it breaks into uncontrollable laughter, when our ma'am, famous for her indifferent English, comes up with ugly one-liners spoiling the dignity of the language.That class of mine was quite famous for its proud naughtiness.Being so,we never looked for inspiration to disturb the flow of any teacher taking lessons.Hence, came up the topic of a class vacation, to shy our minds away from the hectic DAV study schedule.

           We always know with the packed academic schedule nothing more than a two day tour would be permitted for the 12th std students.Boys in the class shouted their desired tour destinations as girls murmured among themselves being the minority in our class of 40.

"OOTY" shouted one friend of mine from near my desk.

"BANGALORE da" suggested another, as he tried to convince some of his other friends.

Girls and the front benchers knew they wouldnt be given a chance to be listened to.

The class teacher's reply was fair,plain and simple as she signed off ,"I shall discuss with the other sections and give a confirmation on the plan of the tour"

In came the class teacher for her next computer science class on the next day.A few chirpy sounds here and there filled the air of the classroom as an excited friend of mine started, "where are we going for our 2 day tour? " looking eye to eye with ma'am almost as if he intended to scare her.

Having had a discussion with all our class teachers,our ma'am only had things to disclose to us. She beamed a bright smile as she exclaimed, "Students, I am pleasant to tell you all that, we would all be going on a vacation to OOTY for a couple of days on the 5th and 6th of August 2006". Yes,I know,it should have been "I am PLEASED to tell you...",yet that is our Computer science teacher's English for you. Can't fault her,guess she is not as comfortable with the English language as much as her C language.

"All interested students give me your names along with the tour fee by tomorrow.By the way get this confirmation form signed by your parents when you come tomorrow",she went on with her eloquence.

All was fine with my class guys.They knew it was their last school trip and had to make it big and memorable.Then came the dreaded statement from our teacher," Our principal would be joining us on the trip to make it a grand one"

It would only be an understandment if I say all of us were heart-broken when we heard that.Our principal wasnt any strict for us to fear so badly but was a "rambam" as beautiful tamil would call an elaborate person.Other than our princi we had our Physics ma'am, two Chemistry Sirs,Biology Sir and our dear class teacher along with us for the trip.

(Photo title : 3 jems of manners
 Photo description : From L to R - Principal,Physics Ma'am,Computer Ma'am)

Then came the day when we started for the trip.We were asked to assemble in the Central Railway station of chennai near our coach atleast 30 minutes prior to our train Blue mountain express' departure.Almost all of standard twelve students of my school (100 students for the trip) were there ready for their last school trip with bags packed with re-creative materials like walk-mans,card packs and delicious eatables.

Dad and Mom came to send me off at the railway station as they left saying "patramaa iru..kulirntha sweater ah potuko.."and stuff..More importantly they gave me some money to spend even as they warned me to spend judiciously.I got into the train as many other parents waved their hands to bid good bye to their wards.

Now the stage was set for big time fun.For all of us,we needed no better place than the train to kick-start our frolic.Chats and games had begun.Some tried to irritate the teachers who came along with some uncomfortable acts to their eyes.Many rather most of us were spell-bound seeking the attention our crushes.Girls were the high point of the trip for the boys,like it is for any of the school trips.For my friends who were committed then,it was almost an honeymoon trip with friends turning strangers.For the TO-BE ones,this was more than a perfect chance to impress one another better than in school circumstances.

I was in the middle of a chat with some of my buddies on whatelse but cricket and films.That was when ARR's Newyork Nagaram and Munbe Vaa were alternating on most of our ears.I peeped into the girls train cabin for a glimpse of my crush.So did many other friends.Should say vice versa happened too with a few peeps from them to our cabin as well.

The next morning woke us all up after a late night bed as the train reached Kovai.Two tour-buses picked us to start for ooty from there.The buses were seperate for boys and girls.A definite low point in the trip.

We got back the left behind sleep in the bus enroute to Ooty.It was just the start of the hills when both the buses stopped for our morning tea and refreshments.An occasional 'Hi' here and there were exchanged between the boys and girls.I was not to take a back seat in all this.Although I was always shy back then,I gathered courage to talk to some of my friends who were girls.My day was already made.Luckily I didn't have to worry for my sister's presence when I was upto all this, for she was a part of all my other school trips studying in the same school.(Should say my girl school friends have more than a soft corner for my sister than for me). Someothers who were photo-mad started to click already.

The buses then resumed its engines to reach Ooty by 9 in the morning.We were asked to directly head to the breakfast hall in the hotel SNOW PRINCESS where we stayed for the 2 days before any fresh-up.Food was veggie and good as always with DAV trips.As we took preferences for our room-mates,we were alloted rooms to accomodate 4 or 5 each.We had to settle in and get ready to start site-seeing (and yes in our student words CITE-seeing as well) as soon as possible.

We visited the botanical garden,pykara lake,pykara falls and the dottabeta over the two days.Pictures,cameras and smiles ruled in the botanical garden and at the city view point in dottabeta.In the lake we boated and tried a few unofficial clicks to picture the girls.I also remember one or two pictures I took there officially with some girls.They were childhood buddies whom I had made friends with when this boy and a girl thing wasnt something our age could differentiate.

In the pykara falls,we had a nice time pushing each others into water.For those who wonder, why we didnt cover more locations to see, was because we had teachers who went tired shouting at the back of us to leave the spot and get into the bus. We were never on time getting back into the bus. We also had the famous head count done each time we got into the bus.Those were all the petty parts of the school trip on a student's perspective.

In the evening after dinner in the hotel on the first day we had some time together at a hall with a stage for showcasing of talents.We had girls and boys sitting in chairs as asked to and the teachers in the middle saying : "someone come up on stage and entertain". Being shy none volunteered.
Finally "Antakshari between the boys and the girls" said  princi in her own famous style.

Now that was something we guys can 'kumballoda kovindha',so we agreed and started.Laughs and whispers from one group filled the hall when the other group sang.Boys were looking for an opportunity to sing songs like " sight adipom,dum adipom..." and "alaga irukanga ponnunga alaga irukanga...".It all was a part of the memorable trip.

An early end to the second day of site-seeing was to make it to the train at 9 pm in coimbatore.The boys' bus journey down the hill had the usual dumb-c,dance moves to songs.Guess was the same case with the girls' bus as well.

We just about managed to get to the railway station by 8.30 and had packed dinner to help ourselves in the train.The return train journey was all about chats on memories of earlier school trips to Hyderabad,Kulu-Manali-Delhi,the special one of Pondy and glances of the snaps taken on digi-cams on this trip to Ooty.

All departed to their places once the train reached chennai central at 5 in the morning but not without a 'eye-contact bye' to friends of the opposite sex and a vocal bye to those of the same one.All these exchanges made our last school trip a memorable one.

We all knew that books and the board exams were there to scare us back to work at school.But we also knew that those two days of vacation with childhood friends whose age gave no room for their egos were one amongst the best days of our lives.Its hard to understand why this adulthood now isnt giving many such beautiful days
even when we go on a tour to the most exotic natural locations on planet earth.Maybe responsibilty,self-esteem and thirst for success are a curse on our lives now as an adult which wasnt there in our young days.

I am sure each one who is reading this would have had such a trip with your schoolmates.I am also sure each one of you all would agree that such days are hard to come by now as a grown up one.To bring all such days back in memory for a second or two is the motive of this blog of mine.Cheers!!!