Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Love, the problem.

In the classrooms of standard ten, eleven and twelve when a boy turns man and a girl turns a woman flow the first waves of affinity towards each other. That is the beginning of when teachers begin to give mute lectures. It is suddenly when poems begin to fill the pages of rough notes; when artists are born; when sound becomes music; first when beauty strikes rich. It is all when one's first love sneaks in and peaks life.

It is this unknown feeling infused by our creator unannounced. How does one hold their rational mind when what was deciphered as flesh and skin last night, appears to be heavenly divine the very next. Can anyone get over this feeling which turns harmless kids into seeming criminals? I haven't seen one who has. Is it actually a blessing or a curse to come across? In retrospect, it is both. A blessing to have felt life at its best. A curse when it has derailed your focus from being actually you. 

While this is inevitable, it leaves a few options to pick to cross the teen sea. One way is to swim the water. Another is to take a boat. If you ask me, boat is the safer option. That is a debate I shall take for another day. For now, it is interesting enough to look at the cases of the ones who have fallen to the bait.

Age makes a decisive role in choosing the one. The medicine for adolescence is often mistaken to be ending up finding a person to love. The inconvenience in a relationship perks up only when the cause for it ceases in needs. That is when love once true ends up being false. It has to be said though, it is physical love that should act as a medium for binding the two hearts together. If it does, love is stand to have stood its test of time. However, for the greedy that never is the case. 

The parental figures' fears lie in exactly this. They, having been through all games of age, remain skeptical to approve their kid's love interest. The thought that brittle decisiveness of youth may have played spoilsport in their child's life looms large. In some prevalent cases, dads' and moms' take ownership of their wards once for all. It hurts their egos when their little ones choose someone over them. They begin to feel they have become less important to ones whom they have put their lives on. Most of these parental reasons for denial are honest and must be respected. For all said, this is one unique battle of love versus love. Let us not bring in here society's factors of opposition ranging from religion to race. Those are for the small minded. We are good enough to weigh the true concerns of parental love against love seeking for marriage.

From the purview of the young lovers, the depth of the long years of love stands above all. It becomes a feeling they now can't live without. They leave no ears for anybody else but the chosen one. It has got to do with the battle mindset of  'you Vs me' against parents as well. That is when the credibility of their case goes out of the window. "It is 'my' life, it is 'my' decision", the have an ever-ready reply. Though they might be age-driven in some possible cases of decision making, their stance cannot be faulted for a bit. After all, whose choice ever is always right? For being so sincere in pursuing their heart's desire, they sure deserve to be heard and allowed to live.

Now, on whose side are you on? Do u patronize love marriages? 

Nothing can ever be generalized, could any? It remains to be seen on a case-to-case basis to decide on whose side one is. Rather, is it about taking sides at all? When sides are well divided, something means only one of it would go on to win. Isn't 'love' a win all game? Even if it is, it isn't at all times. If there is a way to keep everybody happy in this, it is when one party concedes to another's request. That being not so often in this clash of love, one ends up the loser. Love is something that grows with time. It never feels the strongest at first. It develops roots with imagination and other forms of falsity. So I mean to say, it can be decided to fall in love or not. It is at that point of the teen sea, when one has to decide to swim or to take the boat across the waters respectively. Once they decide on what to prioritize and what to lose, either their's or their parents' interests, they would know the best way across. Any relationship involves a weaker person and a stronger person. The weaker person is the one who wants to keep the relationship intact more the stronger person. I prefer relationships to personal interests. Many may think otherwise. This should explain on what one likes to go forward with.      

Relationships, be it of any sorts- friends, relations or companions, are comfortable for only a certain period of time when each other's egos are accommodating. As time rolls by, self-centered differences catch up. Thus, no decision on marriage, be it arranged by parents or self-chosen, can be a complete success. So it is no argument for parents to oppose their kid's chosen person. On the contrary, it is for parents to prioritize as well - to accommodate their kids' desires above their own or not. 

To fall in love or not would be best to 'Decide and act' and not 'act and then decide' is the bottom line. Love is the reason for happiness. And happiness is the reason for sadness. There is an expiry date for both happiness and sadness alike, unless one doesn't distinguish between both. With love being the root cause, let us not complicate things furthur in the name of love. Give love more than you take and accept what lies ahead, there will be no happiness, no sadness, only peace will remain

With love,