Monday, December 24, 2012

Its tough having an heart...

We are all living a life. We wake up every morning in an attempt to live it. How easy is it to be doing that? How many questions are we asked by our heart every second? Is it this I want? How do I get it? How do I impress? Should I be doing this? Why shouldn't I? What will make me happy? Why is this making me sad? To how many of those we have answers to. Living is not very easy. Living with an heart, constantly expecting something from us, is certainly not very easy. One who has had control over it, has never been unhappy in life. But one such is no mortal.

Everyone's heart is a crook which cheats itself to a big fall. Once it gets what it desires it multiplies what it needs, while once it fails to get something, it hits back on us to put us in doom. It brings sadness in the name of happiness. It gives happiness in the name of falsity. It is the reason for our world to flourish and will be the only reason for the world to crumble. The world is indeed too small to the size of the heart.

If it can do what it is supposed to be doing, pumping blood to the organs, we wouldn't be having so much to think about. It can drive us mad working up different permutations of questions and answers in no time. Our brain is supposed to be the master of us. The mind, though, is the perfect slave to the heart. How many times rational thoughts lose their case to an emotional heart. Every single time, I would say. If we had tried to keep our heart away from our everyday problems and give the mind its way, the problem would solve itself, I bet. Oh yes, the problem wouldn't have occurred at the first place.

This being as tough as it can get, it makes it even tougher by giving us joy to handle. Pleasure of women for a man and that of men for woman is a joy which knows no bounds. No, I haven't seen one who can handle it too well.  Joy of success, not good either. To keep it short - every heart knows to laugh and cry, both of which is injurious to life.

But hey, what do we do without an heart? without emotions? Whatever makes the heart tough to carry is the beauty of it all. What is its weakness is its strengths. Without it we are made into walking machinery. All what the heart has to offer is bundled into a term called 'life'.

The times our heart cries and craves become the most memorable moments of our enjoyable lives. The single tear drop dripping down the corner of the eye conveys the very beauty of life. The show of teeth beneath the lips, each time, signifies the purpose of our birth in this world. We may not need brains to lead a life, but without heart there is no life. 

We shall have to take 'heart' in everything and not lose 'heart' in anything to lead the best possible lives. One's heart must be able to accept anger, pain, joy, sorrow, frustration, hatred, insult, honour, lust, sacrifice, and love in a way not reading too much into it. If it has that 'its' okay' attitude about it, then it is sure to reap rich treasures. When one dictates what his/her heart should feel like at every instance, he/she is the conqueror of the world. I have been trying to tame my heart. That is what bought me to writing what I am now. It is really tough having an heart indeed. To round it off, our heart is like our spouses- what we like to be having, but what we find it tough as hell to be managing. And yes, both of which we can't do without having.

'HEART'y wishes,