Saturday, February 16, 2013

A day with my specs...

The alarm bell rang loud at the stroke of 7'o clock in the morning, "Oh no, it is morning again", I told myself.

The frustration was over breaking a nice and sound early morning sleep on a cold day. The day might have lots to offer to us. But nothing is worth it than the sleep we get after putting down the sound of our alarm.

'Snooze', I pressed on my mobile.

I curled into my blanket and enjoyed the early morning air on a beautiful morning.

After six snoozes and two shouts from my mom all the way from her kitchen door, I finally woke up for the day. It was 8 on the clock.

I fiddled round the corner of my bed to grab my spectacles and pushed in to the rest room to pick up my toothbrush and paste.

From now on, my spectacles will narrate the story, rather its journey through the day...

I moved out of the rest room sitting firming on the nose of my boss as he took me to the kitchen once done with his morning duties.

The kitchen was with its early morning very busy look to it. I scanned through the dishes in preparation for the day. They had a nice blend of color among them. My boss requested mom for some coffee and took me out to the balcony...

I checked out the clouds and the greenery on view across the balcony door. It was a nice and bright day. The lush grass and the small bamboo tree nearby was just perfectly beautiful. I couldn't believe I was treated so well. Thanks to my boss. He is my man.

His mug of coffee arrived and he was set to read the day's newspapers. My day to work had started then...

I skimmed through the papers on his orders. I read about India's name-sake democracy that is in place, raising rape cases and assaults, political issues surrounding religion, caste and the like, India's increasing fiscal deficits and Sachin Tendulkar being urged to retire for the umpteenth time.

I soon thought, 'I must be an idiot to think I am treated well', this time thanks to the news in the society.

The last sip of the coffee mug was tasted, signalling the end of newspaper for the day.

I was removed and placed in my box and had to wait for my man to finish his bath. Well, I surely needed that rest to freshen up as well.

Hot idlys and red hot chutney was served for breakfast. I could only treat on the visual appeal of the food and appetize my man. I enjoyed the food my way though!

Both of us were done and time had arrived to start for his office.

My boss wiped me to take away any dirt I had accumulated as we trodded down the stairs. We got into our car and started our ride.

The traffic in the city was as usually insane. To whichever side I turned to I saw vehicles, only vehicles and nothing else. The car inched its way as pedestrians overtook us. The pollution in the air was uneasy too. Thank God I didn't have means to listen to the noise of honks of different frequencies. Else I would have cried no doubt.

"The first file of the day", he said as we sat down on our office cubicle.

I was back to my reading assignment once again. It was a long day ahead. Files weren't as bad as the newspapers though. So I was okay with it.

The one good thing about being specs to the eyes of a young man who is just into his twenties is that he has an eye for beauty. He helped me romance with the eyes of young women. Oh boy!!! almost every woman had artistic eyes and a beautiful smile. Maybe the age of my man had its effect on this opinion of mine. But I didn't complain.

I cheated my man to check out girls the way I shouldn't be doing. It was easy for me. No man has control over his brain when doing this. He doesn't listen to anything but the stimulus of the girl around him. I think girls are no different. And I am sure the girls would agree with me on this.

As I feasted on the the dark eye-brows, sharp eye-lashes, the cute curly hair running around the ears periodically put back and forth by long thin feathers of fingers, I didn't think I needed to shut down even for a minute.

It was 6.30 in the evening. It was time for another coffee. This time to denote the end of the day's work.

My man is a quite a romantic unlike many others in the world who only let their work and self, dominate the many pleasures of the world. He took me to the beach in the evening after the work day.

I took a stroll on the sands of the beach as my guy enjoyed the fresh wave of wind hitting his face slightly moving me from my seat as well. It was refreshing though it carried a few particles of sand along with it.

We reached the sea. We saw it covered by the sun-set sky. It had a mixed bed of dull white clouds with pale red rays of sun. The blue sea extended to this sky; the sky extended to the horizon and that was the end of the world-the simple world that we are complicating so much.

The sea waves rose and hit the shores and our feet. It went back, rose and reached us again. And again. It was unrelenting. It held a huge potential force in it seemingly teaching us the way to lead our lives. I concentrated on the waves; followed its movement from its origin to our feet. Nothing that I had seen earlier had been so fulfilling.

By that time, the night had descended and the crescent moon gave a shy look to the sky as if it was romancing the waves beneath it. We had seen the best and that set us on our way back home.

Once him and I reached home, he gave me a break to wash his face and put me back on.

His sister brought him a glass of deliciously looking Orange Juice. In an anxiety to quench his thirst he splashed a few drops on me and only wiped me off after his drink.

I am not sure what it was- the girls, the sea waves or the juice, that set his mood right for writing something. Perhaps it was the combination of all three that made him take his pen and pen down that night. I must say he is a good writer. Rather when in such a good space of mind, most people are good creators.

That is how I got to narrate my story of the day to his readers. You will have to tell him how well I did that. That apart, I am narrating to make a point; that you should serve your lenses well with goodness, only that would help us to serve you with happiness in return. My day's experience would help tell what my kind-the specs and eyes, would like to be seeing. Please don't deprive us of our rights. We would pay back most appropriately with soulful peace of body and soul.

As I finished telling you my case on the writing pad, he signed his name on it and closed his pen. He then folded and placed me facing him on the pad; "I love you", I said and smiled a good bye to him until he woke me up for the next day. It was a marriage I never wanted to break with him.
