Sunday, March 29, 2015

From "last seen" to "online" to "typing"!!!

At 6 o clock in the evening, you are in the middle of a work file; your last one for the day. You are desperate to get done for the day. The clock ticks, the file's last few pages come up; your routinely boring average day of work finally gets over. You no more would need to be in the company of people you hardly want to spend time with, atleast for the rest of the day.

You shut your computer down. You put your files in the shelf. You are ready to leave; You momentarily pick up your phone from your pocket.

There comes a wholehearted smile, out of the blue, perhaps for the first time in your day. Your friend, from another continent, has just typed two letters 'Hi' and sent it across to you. That's all it takes. Your indifferent mood through the day changes for good. 

That's all you need, a nice conversation with a dear friend about something you like chatting about. To me, life is nothing more than a bunch of beautiful conversations. 

Conversation is an art that only a few master. If you have friends who, while they can talk about anything under the sun, make a lot of arguments and end a conversation with a laugh, I would say your life is beautiful. 

Talk about the power of internet these days; talk about the world of social chatting apps and websites - the whatsapps and the facebook chats of today. Isn't that a newer version of the letters we used to write a couple of decades back. 

I remember the days when I used to write letters to my parents while living in a hostel during the 90s. I would have written in childishly adorable handwriting, "I want to come home; miss you mom and dad", as an 8 year old kid. I still cherish the feeling I would have when I am about to open the reply letter from them. I would have read their 5 lines on the letter 50 times and would still save it to read it for later. How different is seeing the same message as a text received over a phone at the end of a tiring day?

That's how much I cherish seeing my phone every time to check if a particular friend has sent me a 'Hi'.

And the conversation through texts goes on,

you forget the usual world around you, 
you breathe a sense of fresh air,
you talk non-sense,
you laugh,
you argue,
you make-up,
you tease, 
you celebrate.

The sound your phone makes when it receives a text, oh gosh! That's life!

Sometimes, you would be done seeing all the movies on your to-see list; you would not have a good book in hand to read; I am often bored with the music collection I have, you might have been too. Often you go without a friend to hang-out with in your city; this world is a busy-place these days. But your phone always pings; there is a friend whom you can always reach for a lazy chat.

You would remember the many times you would have ended up having a sweet little conversation, unheralded late in the night. I have fought my sleepy eyes to enjoy such chats before. I am sure you have loved doing that too.

I would wait for my message to be seen, eagerly follow the typing sign on the text box, then give a quick repartee to it and smile thinking I have got one up on the other person. The cycle would continue. The moments from "last seen, to online and then to typing", I tell you, are a different experience of fun altogether. 

So go on, enjoy the experience of texting and conversing as and when possible. Make the most of interesting people!!!

Okay finally quickly now, here goes my dedication of this blog. I had my reasons to write on this; One of them is, I have been spending a lot of time texting, off late especially after my university friends moved in different directions. There are two or three of my friends with whom I hardly go a day without texting and having a chat with. I guess they would know who they are while they read this; to them I particularly dedicate this blog to for all the good moments they have given me from the other side of the screen. May them and all you guys continue sending me those texts, because those conversations are something I absolutely treasure.    


Title credits: "Ajit Johnson"