Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Chettinad Heritage

Architecture is an art which needs an interested eye to appreciate. Architecture for temples, palaces, in recent days malls, symbolizes the culture of that era and the thirst for art during that period. It is a result of the various needs and problems faced by the people concerned with that architecture. It stands as pillars of information on the way of life of our ancestors and will be for the generation to come.

The pages of history has enriched us with many brilliant art forms that have existed in ancient times.However,I felt the world didn't know enough about one culture and its architecture, which I am proud to be a part of now, after more than a century of years of its existence.

The story behind the excellent architecture of the chettinad houses is something, which I thought, I must share with my peers.

The beauty of our ancestral house struck me when I was a kid. Ever since, I have been shooting questions at my grand-dad,Mr.Nagappan.PL (I must say he is a very good narrater) to know enough about the history of my own culture and architecture.I doubt I know all after so many years of questionnaire.

The roots of such an architecture,i understood,was a combination of necessity and luxury.The place of our culture's origination was in the banks of cauvery,which was then called as POOMPUGAR (பூம்புகார்).With natural calamities in the form of floods driving them away,the chettiars moved to 18 villages in and around karaikudi.To this date,they still reside there with a community base of a meagre 10,00,000 people occupying respectable, high positions in the society.

It was the time when our freedom struggle gathered stream,our economy was poor,rather not ours at all.It was,then,in the early nineteen century,when most of the chettinad houses were built.That was when,the chettiars known for their trade, flocked to neighbouring countires for earning their money.They went to places like burma (myanmar),singapore,malaysia where tamil had a prominent presence.They traded with commodites and by giving small loans for jewellery as a security.They came back periodically on ships once in every 2 years.Meanwhile,their better halves(aachis) made the most from the agricultural lands they had for the family.

The money which came along when the men returned were more or less a luxury, if the agricultural rains were regular,hence were a source for the house to be built.That explains the reason behind different segments of a chettinad house and the different materials used to build each of the segments.The segments namely are mugappu(முகப்பு),first house,second house(courtyard)and the third house.Each time they returned they completed a segment with the materials such as teek,ivory which they brought from Burma, Malaysia in ships.

The frequently flooded locality of their place of origin,kaveripoompatnam near the river banks of cauvery made them learn their lessons of nature.That meant it was a necessity for them to raise their buildings by at least by a few feet at the entrance of the house,the mugappu.So there was a minimum of 7-8 stairs in every house with the exception of none.   

The 'mugappu' at the entrance is broad having long thinnais and pillars to serve cool breeze when there was no electricity then.The 'first house' was,rather still is,the most artistic part of the house.It has numerous pillars,an elevated ceiling,egg-coated paintings depicting life of my ancestors then,and a least count of 10 windows at a comfortable height to get fresh air for an afternoon nap.

The 'second house',the courtyard has a open to the sun portion in its middle part for cooking purposes.The periphery of the open to sun portion has a low ceiling with numerous rooms, each for a specific purpose from pooja to bed.This portion of the 'second house' is provided with a second tier for storage purposes.

The 'third house' is the tail of the house built with a motive for recreation,has a back door for easy exit from such a big house.

Our house built in the year 1920,has been the place for numerous marriages and other occasions in the family.On a marriage day,the utility of the house changes to suit the guests which is practised even today.

The 'mugappu' becomes the place for the reception of guests.The 'first house' the place for male guests to occupy,the open portion of the 'second house',the coutyard becomes the place of marriage or the ceremony.The lower ceiled part in second house is for the females to be seated.The upper tier in it is for the display of the gifts which is a matter of pride even today.The 'Third house' is the place where food was served for the guests.
I am driven into a frenzy when I think the groom part of my marriage would happen in this same way in our 90 year old house @ pon.pudhupatty,my native village near pudhukottai.(In our community most part of the marriage takes place in the house of the bride.)

I guess calling it a house where any function in the family would be hosted holding a guest strength of about 500 people is an understatement.Thats why,maybe,these days they call it palaces.

These houses have been a special shooting spot for the film industry.As a matter of fact,around 200 films have been shot in these palaces including a french film recently,making it the first place in India for a foreign language film to be filmed.At this point,the first half of the movie 'pirivom sandhipom' needs a special mention for showcasing the architecture,our style of marriage(in a song) and our culture in the best possible way!!!

The present day attractions for the public to enjoy our culture is ample. Certain houses,have now been converted into restaurants serving food the authentic chettinad way with its ambience.The speciality of food in the chettinad culture needs no furthur proof than the number of restaurants with a chettinad based cuisine. Athiresam,vella paniyaram,kavanarisi,aadikool are just some of many delicacies from our part of the world. At the chettinad king's palace in kanadukattan village,a portion has been converted into a place of stay for the tourists who visit.That got the commercial name,the Chettinad mansion/ the Mansion house.

The cause for concern now has become the way we safeguard such authentic architecture.The natives of these houses have now moved to cities for living life, seeking commercial opportunities and only return for occasions such as festivals and marriages.What is to be worried is that,the unmanned palaces now have become a favoured hotspot for burglars.

Having said all this,I extend an invitation to all those who have read this, to visit our house and experience what my words have failed to convey about the house,its architecture and culture.I with due respect to my ancestors,dedicate this blog of mine to their work and part in history.


Friday, March 11, 2011


'தான்' மட்டும் :

இவ்வுலகில் 'தான்' மட்டும் என்பதற்கு பெரிய இடம் எப்போதும் உண்டு.

'தான்' என்பதை தவிர்ப்பது எள்ளளவும் எளிதன்று ;
எச்சிந்தனை வரும்போதும் அது தன்னை சார்ந்ததாகவே இறிக்ககூடும்,இன்றி சிந்தனையிலே தோன்றாது.  

பயனின்றி ஒன்றை செய்வது, கற்பனையில் மட்டுமே என்று ஆயிட்று.

தன்னை பற்றிய சிந்தனையில்லை  என்றால் அது தனக்கு உதவும் வகையில் உள்ளவர் பற்றிய சிந்தனையாகவே இருக்கிறது.

மனிதன் சுயநலவாதிதான், சென்றகாலத்தில்!
                                                         இக்காலத்தில் !!
                                                         வரும்காலத்திலும் !!!

இதற்கு காரணங்கள் உண்டு ,
காரணம் இல்லாத காரியம் ஏது?

உலகின் இயக்கம் அதன் முதற்காரணம்;
பாசம்,அன்பு,நேசம் ஆகியவற்றை காட்டினும்  
பெரிதாக விரும்பப்படுகிறது.

பொறாமை,வெறுப்பு இதன் பிறப்புகளே!

"தான்" என்றதன் தீமைகளின் உயரமே,
அதை ஒழிப்பதன் கடினத்தின் உயரமாகும்.

சமுதாயத்தின்  அமைப்பு,
அதன் அவசியத்தை நெஞ்சில் ஆழமாக ஆணி போல் பதிக்கிறது .

'தான்' என்பதே அன்பின் தவிர்க்கமுடியாத விரோதி!
ஏன்னெனில் தன்னை விட இவ்வுலகில் யார் ஒருவனையும் ஒருவன் விரும்பிட முடியாது.

விக்னேஷ் நாகப்பன்.அ