Saturday, January 21, 2012

Marriage is Bliss!!!

A pair of tired legs entered its home after a long day's workload midst the filthy society's battle-yard. A pair of beautiful lips greeted it with shades of teeth playing hide and seek beneath it. The soul bearing those legs turned alive with the sight of his queen. The hopeless heartbeat jumped its rate proportionally as the smile of his lady grew. Eyes which always wanted to switch off a minute ago, never wanted to anymore. Love filled the air. Marriage was bliss. Rather, it always is.

The pleasures in a relationship are in-numerous. Each soul seeks its companion, marriage is its ultimate victory. I have always wondered why is the society so negative about marriage. Isn't marriage the greatest of all relationships that exist?

We share life with no body else on earth but our better halves. Life is different for different individuals. It is the most difficult thing to share. Her interests become his' and his' become hers. That is the first time one begins to live not for oneself but for another soul. That is on which love builds a concrete platform. When this basement is well-laid, no force on Earth can dare break it.

The society's fears of marriage only lingers when the soul's are disconnected. When life is shared, the two entities become one. Do the evils of individuality, like ego, dominance and arrogance, even have a chance to show-up then?  Marriage can only be bliss.

However, life being the most difficult thing to share, to be able to achieve it needs the quality called 'acceptance' from both the parties of marriage. People are what their experiences shape them to be. No two people have the same experiences in life. Even if they do, perceptions of those experiences would surely differ. So how does one blur the line of individuality to succeed in marriage and reap its rewards of happiness? Just the thought that one's interests aren't as important as their partners' would do. Let me emphasize again, this thought must be sowed on the minds of BOTH the parties concerned in the relationship. Just one way traffic would only have an adverse effect. If this thought is ensured, marriage surely is blissful.

I have always had the habit of dedicating each of my blogs to the people who inspired me to write each of it. In that case, I should have dedicated this to my to-be wife. But, having myself to dedicate for her, I thought this blog can only be a show-case for our relationship  to-be. I am sure, this blog will show us the way forward whenever the individuality line shows-up in our relationship. So will it, for all of you.
