Wednesday, March 7, 2012

GOD is.

It was that time of the day when the Sun was scorching on the Earth's surface at the industry I was training in. As all hungry stomachs summoned for an afternoon meal to energize for work on other side of noon, labours were all in a hurry to grab their plate of food. That was when I noticed a daily-waged labour spot a 20 rupee note dropped by someone who probably had it to buy his food. For a man who earned Rs 120 a day as wages, it must have meant a lot. To my surprise, though, that wasn't going to his kitty. He had decided to defer his stomach's food demands for a while to find the man who had dropped it.

For a while, I lost myself in thoughts to gauge the reason behind the integrity of the man. To be certain, I called him over, to put forth the same as a question to him. He just had a line in reply, "God wouldn't have kept me happy if I had kept this money for me". 

It hit me hard on what 'God' meant to each soul. GOD meant, through religion, to propagate truth and love than to give precedence to selfish motives. This instance had helped me become so sure that 'religion' had achieved what it had set out to, in most cases than not. 

"Civilization is a struggle to keep ones' self control" goes a proverb. How would our world look like when none keeps their self control? To put into simple words, it will be like an hell on Earth. When cultures had began to civilize, to help frame the rules of the society, brought in the concept of Religion. Under Religion, they described what is Good and Bad. In other words, what is Godliness and Evilness. They knew in order to control one's self, they needed the seed of either 'Love' or 'Fear'. GOD came into existence.

They preached GOD was a symbol of 'Love' to people who did good and a symbol of 'Fear' to the people who did evil. Needless to say, different civilizations had different places of origin and hence different Religions leading to different forms of God. All was well, until the good and the bad line was distinct and not blurred. Thanks to atheists and the fights among religions on who's God is superior, in the later centuries, which have now blurred it.

Religion is the best gift mankind has. One needs to be religious as much as possible, complying to each of their religion's philosophies to be a 'good' person. I personally define a 'good' person as one who spreads love and tries his best not to hurt any other human's feelings. And I am sure that is exactly what each religion preaches. 

All good things bring along their share of negativism.  Like technology, Religion was no exception to 'nothing comes without its shares of problems'.

With Religion, it was being a case to money making for some sections of the society.The numbers of the religion based money-makers are ever on the raise with gurus, fortune-tellers and worship-place money seekers in various forms. That has ruined the authenticity of religions. That has made people,youth especially, to turn a blind eye on religion or has lead them to understand religion in the wrong way. That has only led to further blurring the line of what is good and what is not, doing no good to the society's civilized functioning. It sure needs to be addressed in the society. The best way to address it would be to propagate religion in the right way bringing up its true motive which is to preach goodness and divinity, especially to young minds. However, the heartening fact now remains, as I inferred with the little example of my daily-waged labour colleague, Religion has had relative success emphasizing that its positives outnumber the negatives.

I thought I would do my bit to promote 'Goodness in the form of religion' through this blog. If this blog is helpful in propagating to the society that, religion is not just about going to worship places and offering prayers but more about 'DOING GOOD and BEING GOOD', this blog's and my purpose are achieved. 

Be Religious; Find the GOD in you and turn Godly,

Regards and cheers!!!


  1. u said dat religion was created 2 frame certain rules n make d society civilized..n atheism corrupted i feel dat atheism is an extended n a better civilized idea...ppl believe dat if u hurt sum1 , wel it really hurts him n its bad so u shudn do it..unlike "don do dat else god wud punish you" idea....only wen u understand certain things without any source of fear or love i.e.god , ur sense gets refined..only thn u cn find d god in u ..major chunk of problems r nt created or spread by atheists bt its ppl who believe in religion wrongly..

    1. Only if eachone's conscience was good enough to make peace in the society, i wud think to agree wit u on not having an external source of fear or love ie GOD. But wit the way people are, the idea of GOD alone can save planet Earth. And yes ppl must get to understand the true motive of religion.

    2. Vignesh,
      You said by blocking the reasoning mind and making people believe in god we can lead them to do good things instead of practicing evil in the name of god. But my friend you failed to understand blocking one's reasoning mind itself is an evil act and that is one of the major reasons for many superstitious disasters like destroying Babar mosque,stoning to death of an 18year old girl in the name of religion to name a few. Either ways, let a person be controlled by the name of god or not, has its fair share of your so called good & evil and makes no difference. You saw a heart touching scene of a man helping in the name of the religion and you got carried away by just the pros of it. But we can put equal negative points and really nullify the good effect caused by religion over society. Let me put a question to you. By blocking one's reasoning mind in the name of god and making them lead their life is same as leading a flock of sheep. Humans can't evolve in that fashion and those who hold faith are also a big hindrance to the one's who choose not to hold any faith at all in their lives. In most cases Theists are the ones interrupting an atheist and not otherwise. And the concept good & bad itself is subject to change as the people and culture evolves. There can't be any universal good & bad. So the concept of good & bad originated by these religion 1000s of years ago can't hold good to everybody. I indeed have lots of points to discuss but it's tough to type them all. Revert with your points.

    3. I forgot to type the question which I wanted to put in the last post. Do you personally like to live your life like a flock of sheep led by some doctrines of faith?

    4. I don't think the positive and negative effects of religion are nullifying. The care and trust to fellow souls prevalent in the different sections of the society is ample proof for the positives outnumbering the bad ones of religion. And to reply to ur question on we living as a flock of sheep without a reasoning mind, I would urge the society to understand religion in the right way with reasoning mind and a rational thought to bear the fruits of religion to the fullest and negate any possible ill-effects out of it.That exactly is the whole point in concern that I put-forth through this blog.

  2. And above all, religion has become a source of income for many. 'Commercialization' has become evident in almost every religious place which prevents many from going there.
    But, indeed there is some unseen extra force that lies there which can only be felt> "A Piece of Mind"

  3. I would say religion was coerced into existence by people, (priests, elite class, kings,etc) and NOT 'god'. I am sure 'god' wanted us to exist with free will and NOT submit to the qualms of a set of rules( read as religion).
    History is littered with examples to back my theory, eg. Buddha, emperor Constantine who doctored the Bible, etc etc
