Thursday, February 3, 2011

The phenomenon called GIRLS

The world for some is so beautiful coz of a phenomenon called girls; On the contrary,the world is NOT so beautiful for many others coz of the same.Girls are better known to be complex prototypes of God whom God himself has a tough time understanding.

If somebody asks me to give a one liner on girls,i wud say "have them around for some fun and lots of tears".let me make it crystal clear the some fun i mentioned is well worth the lots of tears that comes along with them.God is supreme jus cos he hides joy in sorrow and sorrow in joy.Girls his trumpcard to exercise that duty of his.

Sometimes we feel we can die for the love we get from a girl.Someother times we feel it is better to kill the same girl for the curse she has brought into our life.Life looks super complicated when girls are around.When i sat down to think why that was so,i found,girls arent so complex to understand.The prime reason for this notion being girls are so instable in their decisions.They take in 100 mind questions to pick what they want.Although debatable,it remains a fact that girls arent contented.It is that which is the root cause for all their miseries and henceforth for the people around them.When one realises what all girls are all about there is no question of girls being a Da Vinci code.

The lesser sex,these days the men,are what they are primarily because of the so called lesser sex-the women.A female's love is what drives a boy mad for serving her desires and helping him achieve things.Thats why i am a very big fan of the proverb "Behind every successful man there is a women".

In a nutshell if a women is this efficient to give and take love,she is twice as efficient in giving bundles of problems.Without taking any credit from them,it is not them but their love that is compounding the problem in hand.Only when we know it is not her whom we are gonna miss but her love we feel heartbroken.So there is no point in blaming girls for the mishaps.If one deserves her love,he surely deserves the pain which she comes along with as well.

I have always had this question in mind-'what wud life be like without any girls in this world'.I have come up with different answers for the same question on different occasions.I recently figured the true generalised answer to the question.It wud surely hav had no surprises,hence giving us no interest in such a life.God knew life would be life(so unpredictable),only when there were girls for the surprises.Whats life without million surprises a day.So the bottomline is "U want to have them or not,U definitely cant ignore them".

All things said and done,i ll have to say,however strenuous life ahead might be with tis phenomenon in my life,i am all excited to find the one for me and fight a million battles of love with her.To whom else can i delicate tis blog of mine but to that to be special one in my life.



  1. girls! girls! girls! so they neither a blessing nor a curse eh???

  2. Dude , the root problem lies in the fact that they are emotionally driven . I have one question though , how do all hot ones end up with ugly guys ? It's a common problem macha :(

  3. Firstly, yeah. Very true.. Girls are one big bag full of surprises and confusions.
    And that final para of yours saved u. Otherwise I would have conveniently believed that "experience speaks":P
    Lastly, On prasanna's comment - hot ones end up with ugly guys - is it really so?:o

  4. @ram: i guess it is all abt accepting both the love and fight they bring! u jus cant get only love!

    @prasanna:if that is the case i would prefer to be the ugly guy

    @chock:its all experience macha.By the way how is ur present experience going?

  5. Thats extraordinary da.... Your special one is going to love it....

  6. life can't be too smooth sailing all the time...differences of opinion are bound to arise...after all, the best relationships are not about similarity...they're about the best understanding of mutual differences...

  7. Mind blowing da..... As u said I really liked it man....

  8. Whoaa.. !!I never knew you could write this well.Wonderfully said, brings out great reality and there's big life in all your words. Maybe it even inspires me to write one.Looking forward to read about your college times. Keep writing anna!:)cheers!
