Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wake up,will Parents?

Every child on its first day of birth is neither good nor bad.It is the experiences that make it one way or the other.The society is cruel with its spoilt people,doing no good to a growing child. When I say spoilt people,I mean the people who give no time for their kids.  

Many would disagree with me when I say, people prioritize ambitions to love.When love is to be lost to win, I am afraid,almost all chose to lose love. Winning at all cost,makes the real world a tough place to live in. I don't quite believe in the 'survival of the fittest' theory for mankind in livelihood. That betrays peace and kills love. All this has had an effect on the outlook of the world. When people believe making money at all cost is right, the society wears a look of falsity of kindness upfront and the true look of hatred deep inside.

The world of marketing, politics and entertainment have a deep psychological impact on the society, especially on the way a child grows up to be. When these sectors play the game of money and competition,the virtues go for a toss. They would make the society believe in things that aren't.

Our actions are a result of 'how we are made to live', rather than 'how we really like to live'. Read on to digest this bitter fact.

The marketing world would make fashion the way they wish their products to sell. It is made to believe these days, if one doesn't exist on FB, they exist no more. I am due to credit the marketing efficiency to make us believe its so important. This demands a child as young as 10-12, to get back from school to log-in and make his presence felt on the so-made present day fashion, rather than to take his books for exams the next day. He being so young, I doubt desires to network all by himself without the push force of the society. The next case in point- a sports' bike maker injects in us, it is stylish only to ride at 100-120 kmph. The advertisements show all girls looking only at a rider flying past them, only to put the slow and careful riders to shame. Accidents happen, only in reality and not on ads.Wonder if, girls would actually like a speedy man, had not it was marketed so. Wonder if, guys would breeze past, had not it was marketed so.Again the culture of what is sensational, is clearly media driven. Hence, understandably fashion changes and so do people.

Looking beyond, the media and the entertainment world open the Pandora's box to a child's life. The 14 yr old child sees Rajnikant, throw up his cigarettes and his villain having a party time with at-least a dozen of party girls. Something tells the kid, this is how people celebrate. When he gets to his days of celebration, I don't think he would know a way to celebrate than what he saw from the movies. Again the motto of the movie is to sell itself than to teach the kid a bad lesson. If the child had been told it could celebrate better by sharing love with chocolates and mom's kisses,the society wouldn't have been so bad to live in. Money bound ambitions gaining priority over love amidst the society, needs no better justification than this.

The society wouldn't change unless we make it to. So the people whom I mean spoilt are required to assume a Herculean task to make the kids aware of what is right and what is not. They need to cull the time they spend for making money and devote it for their kids. After all, they owe much more than just quality time for their children. Under their squeeze and demand for money in life, more often than not, the parents speak the language of money at homes. That is when a child subconsciously takes money to be more important than anything under earth. So their cognizance of the above mentioned demons in the society, in the first case, becomes absolutely essential. Communicating what is love to their child should be the primary task of a parent. If this root cause is dealt with, kids grow better and subsequently the world would become a place of less regrets.

My parents who have made me understand exactly this, need a special mention. To them I dedicate this blog, which I believe should communicate to my readers what they did to me.



  1. Of course, the old tamil proverb that "...annai valarpinilae..." still holds good. Prob is, its been forgotten long ago. Its like this. Having earned for some thirty odd years, then spending the same to repair the health which was lost so in the process, which makes no point at all, which in turn cements your enlightened facts. And it indeed that money ruined and still ruins everyone's life and we fear it ever will. Liked that fb mention. Creating awareness, if you say so, like this at blog would account little for this dystopian society. They come, they read, they find it very interesting, they appreciate you and then that's that. They go back to their 'spoilt' life. Unless a hitler kind comes into being with, this time, an order to kill those who dont care for their kids, people never would give a damn. Great insight of our contemporary world and well written, anyway !!

  2. I would like to add something that i am seeing in another country here. Its only in India, parents keep their child(ren) as dependents for this long (which i personally think is a major disadvantage for us). So if you had written this blog in an Indian perspective, i am sorry i gotta disagree.
    We have the best guidance possible in this whole world as far as i know.
    And social networking is not a bane. Its very very useful in many aspects (for your love, heaven concepts too). But it has its own negatives, which is common for any good thing.
    Why w'd you bring in Rajnikanth here? :(
    Finally, as our friend above put it beautifully, all ppl who happen to read this blog would find it nice and good for a couple of minutes max..and they are back to REALITY!

  3. @choka: Read this,

    I m talking abt 5-15 yr old children growing up without proper parenting all round the world. i m afraid, INDIAN parents too don't spend enough time wit their children these days. And FB for a 12 yr old is more bane than boon,i wud say. i used RAjinikanth to generalize kids getting attracted to their heroes opening the door to the false world.

  4. @prasanna and choka: yes..they read and get back to reality..its a pity i can do no more than jus blog abt this.

  5. @vignesh : you must've brought in Vijay. Though nowadays out of job n reputation, He's the prime influence, i beleive, who is spoiling many ordinary local youngsters making them to do things in a fashion as exactly as he does in his movies. Things like wearing a kercheif in hands to bore a gang look, talking crap just as he does, etc., Other hand, rajini atleast has a word of advice.

  6. Prasanna - Cant agree more :D
    Nagappa - I think the latest parents (read parents having a 2-3 yr old kids) are very aware of what you are talking about and are making sure that they spend time with their kids. I am saying that from what I have seen.
    And a 12 yr old FBing..hmm..i would say the world is evolving. Why dont we just accept it and teach them what is bad and what is not?
    Cos personally i would like my kid to be tech-savy;) Fortunately or unfortunately, thats where the world is heading.

  7. yea,look..i just used rajini to generalize all the heroes attracting kids with their behaviour. nothing to do wit rajini in particular..

  8. yes choka..thats exactly where my emphasis lie,to teach the 12 yr old 'wat is bad and wat is not' and not to prevent him from using it and being techy.

  9. wat u say is exactly true:)gud work vignesh!!!ur fortunate to ve such parents:)
