Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rainy drops of words...

On a stroll when clouds covered the sky,
the first drop of rain touched down;
On the cheek and into the soul it went in,
melting down the toughest of ones.

Its 'hush' sound on the turf,
Likens a 'shush' to life's woes;
It is to ears music, 
what is to eyes joy.

When under a small shelter, waiting for it to leave;
Makes you witness to cuddles spilling romance around,
To make us think it is here to unite.
Leaves it does, only, with us wanting more.

Enough it is to hide, one decides;
To live is life, the made-dormant heart protests;
To hell with common cold, excitement proclaims,
And takes a holy dip.

As closed eyes and a drenched soul warrant,
a new definition to happiness.
An over-joyed out-stretched arm checks-out
a bit more to show-off.

Sighting water waves encircling on a puddle,
the eye befits a reply to the arm
moving its balls in sync to the water circles,
as poetic as it is.

The legs, high on envy, fumes
to be left behind, kicks
high the pool of rainwater, splashing
it to heights for its treat.

Soon egos catch up and all senses become peers,
to enjoy nature's rain to the best.

As the stroll takes to a finish,
the small shelter now holds, people closer
and closer to each other, leaving a thought
of an essential wisdom by analogy.

Togetherness is by nature, God-given;
The rifts in relationships, a mere man-made.

Yours naturally,


  1. Was waiting to see the connect you make with the Ego in this verse right from the beginning, at last done :)
    Togetherness might be possible only in such rainy occasions because of the fact that it is overpowered by another God-given virtue: 'Personal Space' which none would get over to achieve this at any cost.

    Was able to visualize the scenes by running a movie internally.
    Well written with the poetic license.

  2. good one..but do u really see cuddles here? i dont think so :D

    1. Not much in India, lets say in Germany- Ur adopted home.
