Monday, September 17, 2012

Will Travel for Food!!!

Have you ever felt hunger? The moment when your stomach pulls its tissues and holds it tight; when every other thing on earth has no relevance; when you begin to shout out at your kith and kin for no reason; when for once you be a full person without your self-diminishing self-esteem; Its hard to put to words lot of beautiful things on earth. One such thing is the feeling of hunger.

When you are in such a want for food, how would the first bite of food that reaches your stomach feel to you? To me, it felt to be the best pleasure possible in a lifetime. Even pleasurable than having sex itself (I presume for now).

Having said that, do we give food the love that it demands? How usually do I get to see people chat over phone, switch on their TV sets or even, for that matter, lost in thoughts, while they have their food. Not to be enjoying food will be synonymous to not living a life at all. For all, it happens to be, the simplest and best of worldly delights.

Not to be having food to live is a curse, but not to be enjoying food while having it is an even bigger misfortune.

There exists a saying which goes, "Do not live to eat, but eat to live". I regret the life of whoever said that. In my opinion, he never lived one bit. He just put eating to be an act. For whom food is only a source to energy, I wonder them to be the most non-artistic of people to have existed. Yes, I used 'exist' as the verb for them, I consider them to be non-living beings.

If you have enjoyed (or atleast tried to enjoy) every act of yours, to me, you are the one who has lived life to the best possible. The so-called successful ones having lots and lots of money are no way close to have 'lived' life if they neither had time for food nor the eye to like things around them. Money is a mere medium to enjoy just like food very much is.

Food, pretty much, is the only single entity which satisfies all the five senses at the same time. The aroma of food fills the air and acts as a appetizer, even before arriving at the scene. The visual treat, it presents, offers a prelude to what lies ahead for us. With touch, the fingers romances the food. The taste buds, then, are served. Oh,the ear shouldn't be left behind, hence we bring the glasses together; make it kiss with our neighbour's and say 'Cheers' loud and clear for the delight of the ears. The sound of a slurp, the grin of a spoon in touch with the plate, all contribute to the ear's feast.

The guest to whom you served a dish may have since had the same dish a thousand other times at thousand other places, will yet come back to you and sing praises of it. That's the nostalgic beauty of food. If there is one thing that humans feel contented about it is got to be food and nothing else. That is why business deals happen over a dining table. As the stomach fills, the desires cease and the deal reaches a contentment point for both the parties.

I have a friend who wouldn't mind travelling hundreds of kilometers to satisfy his appetite with the food he wishes. I silently picked up that habit from him. That excitement which grows as you approach your favourite restaurant paramounts when you finally reach it. After you place your order, the wait to place your hands on food, is a dear feeling one shouldn't miss to enjoy. Eventually, when you take your first bite off it, it would be a matchless euphoria.

Being a foodie is a matter of pride. Don't disown that fact if you are one. Though I may not look like being one, I am certainly the best foodie I know yet.

Wishing you with a Bon appetite in whatever you do,



  1. Good one bro and extremely true that we don't really give food, the love it deserves.

    But i feel that its a bit too harsh to call those who said "Do not live to eat, but eat to live" as non living beings. After all its a real fact that we do eat just to survive and if there is a way to survive without food, I would go for it.

    Enjoying the food you eat is fine, but not every food tastes the same for everyone. If your taste buds are good enough to accept that every food would taste really good, you would definitely love what you eat. But a mixture of all types of food is a must. In my own perspective, the good food would improve the interest/love you show and if the food is bad, its just the opposite.

    Loved the way you expressed the five sensory effects at the same time. Hats off!!! I will definitely try to give food its importance. { Does this mean you want me to eat food without watching TV? Tough one though :( }

    { PS: "Even pleasurable than having sex itself (I presume for now)" Playing it very safe buddy :D )



  2. foodie! cool man
    normal things... but when described in such a manner, i sooo feel good ;)

  3. hey nice., I knew you mentioned about me in a point. I thank God, atleast you found some thing good in me !...

    Recipes, preserving, cooking techniques, and presentation aside, food was originally determined food when someone stuck it in their mouth for the first time & felt better. Either because it tasted good or provided sustenance, or in the best cases, both.

    As said by you i used to travel a lot for TASTING Food, Bcoz its an ART !

    For a few months ago, every Saturday night I have been getting together with a couple of girlfriends to have dinner.  We meet at one of our houses and everybody brings something to share.  It is a wonderful way to cut down on how much cooking one person has to do, you get a fabulous meal, and share great company.  Before the meal this week I read an excerpt from A Grateful Heart: Daily Blessings for the Evening Meal from Buddha to the Beatles with Bookmark” by M. J. Ryan.  This is not something I normally do with others and my friends were so moved at the reading that we stopped and talked about the idea expressed before beginning to eat.  This book has brought back the beauty of stopping to give thanks before eating (something we always did when I was a child) and to reflect on what has heart and meaning.  I encourage you to notice what happens if you pause before eating, even when you’re alone, and remember how much there is to be grateful for.   The slowing down will help your metabolism kick in even before you eat.  I call it the “metabolism of gratitude.” 

    By the way, Try to have a pause bfore you begin !!!

    1. Amazing! TASTING FOOD IS AN ART indeed. Needless to let others know that, you were the friend I had mentioned about here. I always pause b4 food as u know from us sharing the dining table space for the past 9 months. But it is only now do I know the science and philosophy behind it. Cheers!

  4. Well. . well. . .Well ! ! Guess who's growing up ! I've been following your blogposts ever since you started to blog and I must admit that I sense a lot more difference today in the way you put your thoughts forward.

    It has been a transition from an amateur blog writer who showcased his diction to awe people to a professional blogposter who can infuse his thoughts to hold his readership. Nevertheless, the progress is random and I hardly believe that you are keeping track of your growth and writing style.

    I am not going deep inside the topic for now, as I personally feel that some suggestions are critical to foster the growth of the emerging author in you.

    First, let us analyse how you've evolved and highlight the good things you need to retain henceforth in your posts

    - Topics have become more generic
    - Sense of diplomacy
    - Analysis of thoughts before penning it down
    - Organized way of presenting
    - A Play-with-feel rather than play-with-facts and
    - A much improvised thought-flow

    But, also looking at what you've lost over the year and things which you need to focus on
    - Glossiness in the blogs.
    (There are many ways to highlight what you want to convey people. Try Italicizing , using bullet points to grab attention. Vivid colors and frequent highlighting doesn't give a smooth flow in reading. P.S: Look at your first post CRICKET, it looks very neat and classy, perfect and elegant)

    - Too many one-liners
    (Punch dialogues in a movie deserve applause if it comes once in a while. Would you let Vijaykanth say it throughout the movie ? ;) )

    - More Philosophic approach
    (Look at all your previous posts until now, you come up with a thought and advocate your opinions, analyse all plus and minus of it(yeah, it's a big R and D work, I know) but why didn't you think that it must also have multiple perspectives.)

    - Monotonicity and absence of Multiple perspectives
    (As I stated above, the style of writing is the same,In every blog vignesh nagappan comes up with a thought and we respond to it. Why not give a try using someone else to tell the tale ? )

    - Sense of Humour
    (You want your readers to visit multiple times don't you? )

    - Aggression
    ( As Jay pointed out, during analysis of a positive and negative things, emphasis is appreciated. But 'non-living' was kind of aggressive. It's his life, his priorities. You can state that he is wrong, you can't pinpoint that he makes a blunder. You can be aggressive, like the idealist and revolutionary writers like Marx, Periyar, but I thought your audience was diversified. If you are limiting it to a particular sect, then it is fine)

    - Grammar-check
    (Oh yes ! Its ok to compromise here and there for a novice but a pro must always be perfect. Days have rolled by nagapps, now you need to draft these many times and do stringent grammar checks bcoz that's what is gonnna add cream to your cake)

    I'm sorry , no offence intended , I feel you may understand that from the bottom of my heart that I just want you to become a great author having discovered that you possess an extraordinary skillset, eventhough I may not have put it to you in the appropriate way.

    Before writing a blog, please forget that you are sitting in front of computer. That may reduce all the glossiness, emphasis attributes etc., Be creative and do what you can do to impress.

    "A pen and a blank sheet lies in your desk and that is all it takes to rule the world"

    Food, as you said, is a great thing to be cherished AND MY MIND IS STARVING.

    - Regards
    A hungry foodie.

    (P.S :Sorry for writing a blog in your comment box :P )
