Thursday, July 2, 2020

Be a political citizen...

Lets start with a question: why don't we discuss politics at home with our children/parents?
Politics is a field which is about serving the society. Yes, politics has now been made to be a business of scoundrels. But is that reason enough to stay away from it. Aren't we adding fuel to the fire, by staying indifferent to it? 

They say, 'politics is a virtue'. It is something that affects our daily life, in ways we can barely imagine. The language we speak, the religion we follow, the biases we have, the clothes we choose to wear, the system of school we go through, are all a result of our political past. We can't wish away politics as something that wouldn't affect us, no matter who we are. 

Thus, it is imperative to be politically aware of what is happening around us. It will help us to stay cautious of what might happen to our next generation. Politics, for a citizen, is misunderstood as about choosing the right leader. A citizen's politics is about voicing his/her views for the betterment of the society. It is about having an opinion on how much taxes we pay, how the selection is for college admissions, why is someone not allowed justice, how can someone be refused their voice, etc. 

Once we are politically aware, we become politically responsible as a citizen to contribute to the society through our voice. It becomes difficult for leaders to avoid us. It becomes difficult for our leaders to hide their mistakes. Debate and discussion, then becomes the cornerstone of progression in the society. 

It is easy to be cynical and say, "nothing is going to change unless the politicians change and act responsibly with little vested interest". They are not going to change unless there is need for them to. So it becomes our responsibility as good citizens to force them into changing for the better. We should always remember, the politicians are one of us. The better the society and its citizens are, the better the leaders and the political system we get. 

Now, while having a viewpoint it becomes important to avoid biases to as much as possible; it is also important to respect the other person's views and opinion as much as yours. It is easy to get into arguments, when it comes to political and religious discussions. But it is both possible and essential to stay focused on what is good for the society rather than to think, 'how could I possibly win this argument?' or 'how could let my view/party down'?.

It is important to review our views when others give a valid outlook to change our stand. It is important to believe and understand that no political party is an angel or a saint. Each and every party has its own prejudices and flaws. We need to weigh them against that.  If we fall into the trap of being completely in favour of one party, we fail to see their bad aspects and vice versa. We end up being part of the party's propaganda machinery. We needn't be judgmental on anyone; it is always better to take a case to case view on every situation rather than be a holistic pro or against approach.

So, to answer the opening question - yes, we should discuss anything under the sun with our household ranging from politics, to religion, to sex, to education, to personal doubts; not necessarily all issues with the same people, but chosen people for chosen topics. We only get to be better as individuals by fostering a healthy discussion between us. 

Vignesh Nagappan 

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