Thursday, July 9, 2020

Today's Tamil word – 9th July 2020 –ஈகை

Donate - தானம் (Sanskrit)

Original Tamil word - ஈகை, கொடை

In Avvaiyar’s Aathichudi, where she gives one-liner life lessons for each Tamil alphabet ஈ is given by “ஈவது விலக்கேல்”, which means ‘Do not stop or avoid charitable deeds’

The stand-alone Tamil letter ஈ by itself, means to donate. கொடை is also a word for being charitable; it comes from the word கொடு which is the verb for -to give. Its usage is famous in the great Tamil leader Paari being known as கொடை வள்ளல் (one of the seven great philanthropists of Tamilagam - கடை ஏழு வள்ளல்கள்)

Ofcourse, the words தானம், தர்மம் have come from the religious influences into Tamil. They have almost replaced the native Tamil words like ஈகை and கொடை now.


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