Friday, July 10, 2020

Today's Tamil word – 10th July 2020 – அறிஞர்

Scholar - பண்டிதர் (Sanskrit)

Original Tamil word - புலவர்/அறிஞர்

We often refer to a scholar as பண்டிதன் in Tamil, but the word is a Tamil version of the Sanskrit word Pandit.

Tamil has words like புலவர்/அறிஞர் to refer to a scholar. Over time, புலவர் has come to only mean scholarly practice in the field of literature/poetry.

The word அறிஞர், ofcourse, comes from the base word - அறிவு, which is knowledge. Tamil Nadu’s Former CM Annadurai, was popularly revered as அறிஞர் Anna, which I believe is one main reason why this word is still among the masses.

So, words which are out of practice can be put back into common use by popular/repeated usage over time. The word அறிஞர் is one prime example for that.


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