Friday, May 15, 2020

Today's Tamil word - 15th May 2020 - கூலி

Salary - சம்பளம் (Sanskrit)

Original Tamil word(s): கூலி, ஊழியம்

கூலி is the generic Tamil word for the salary we get out of all kinds of jobs. But in today's context only the salary from the so-called low esteem physically oriented jobs is identified as கூலி; while white collar jobs' salary have become சம்பளம் (derived from the Sanskrit word 'Sambadhyathi which means - to earn).

This transition in the meaning of the word கூலி quite clearly explains the influence of Sanskrit's Vedic culture, that prescribes hierarchy in jobs; which wasn't the case here before, going by the very generic original meaning of the word.

The meaning of ஊழியம் is also interesting as it comes from the word ஊழ், which is a Tamil philosophy about the uncontrollable elements in life. As mentioned before, ஊழ் is a pivotal chapter in Thirukkural, sandwiched between the end of அறத்துப்பால் and the start of பொருட்பால்.

ஊழியம் is one of the basic tenents of the ancient Tamil religion ஆசீவகம் (அய்யனார் worship). According to ஊழியம் philosophy, no one can have a complete control of one's life at any point; we are bound by several other factors which affects our life despite us following the best of life practices. Thereby, it stresses the need to learn to endure/accept life as it is.

The word ஊழியம் comes out of this meaning that, the salary we get is a result of so many factors that we may have no control of but nevertheless we have to make do with it. This word has colloquially now become ஊதியம்.

அண. நாகப்பன்

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