Friday, May 22, 2020

Today's Tamil word: இன்று ஒரு தமிழ்ச் சொல் - Update

'Today's Tamil word' series started as a fling on 30th April, 2020, during the lockdown, in an attempt to clear some of the misconceptions about the Tamil words in common use. This cannot be an exhaustive exercise as about 50% of the Tamil we speak now is a mix of words from very many languages (predominately from English and Sanskrit). So, I plan on doing it till 29th May, 2020 which would make it a month of 'Today's Tamil word' posts and continue it some time later if and when time permits.

For now, I hope that these 30 posts would have given a fair idea of how the Tamil language has evolved and changed over the years. In the case of Tamil, the evolution has been in the downward direction; deteriorating so much so that its continued existence is in question a hundred years from now.  I, sincerely wish, we, the speakers of this ancient language revert to using original Tamil words so that we keep the words, thereby, the language alive. Our language is the embodiment of our society's culture and life; hence it is important to keep it alive!

A new generation Tamil kid can read the 2000 year old Thirukkural and decipher it without any translation by and large; very few languages have this continuity like Tamil does. Wish each of us contribute in improving this continuity to the next generation.

தமிழ் வாழ்க!


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