Thursday, May 28, 2020

Today's Tamil word - 28th May 2020 - உதிரம்

Blood - இரத்தம் (Sanskrit)

Original Tamil words - குருதி, உதிரம்

இரத்தம் comes from the Sanskrit root word for blood - Rakta. The words for blood in many languages now, like Hindi (Rakt), Malayalam (Raktam), Telugu and Kannada (Rakta) are also from this Sanskrit word.

Original Tamil word உதிரம் can be explained as below:

Ul (உள்) + Thiravam (திரவம்) → Ulthiravam (உள்திரவம்) → Uthiram(உதிரம்)

திரவம் is the Tamil word for 'FLUID'; so since blood is the inner fluid, it is called உதிரம் in Tamil.

The word குருதி has been used a lot in ancient Tamil literature to refer to blood. But I haven't been able to correctly decipher the root of this word.

In தொல்காப்பியம் (the oldest known Tamil literature), which documents the grammar of Tamil, Tholkaapiyar says, 'உருவும் கெழுவும் நிறனாகுமே', thereby meaning that the word உரு refers to a colour (by some references, the Red Colour). So, this uru (red) could have become kuru and given the word குருதி.

The common meaning of உரு today is shape (உருவம்); the usage of the word உரு as red colour should have gone out of practice very early.


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