Sunday, May 24, 2020

Today's Tamil word - 23rd May 2020 - ஆற்றல்

Energy/Power - சக்தி (Sanskrit)

Original Tamil word - ஆற்றல்

The word சக்தி is used in the context of science to mean energy, vigour, power, intensity etc. Later (3rd-5th century CE approximately) it became a religious term, as well, referring to Goddess Parvathi (the wife of Shiva)

Though the word is deep rooted in today's Tamil vocabulary, it is not an original Tamil word. ஆற்றல் is the right Tamil word, which means power, efficiency, potency. In another context, ஆற்றல் means competence and strength also.

The word ஆற்றல் has been used in numerous places in the Thirukkural, but the word சக்தி doesn't find a place at all. The fact that even when two words mean the same, only one is used at a point in time, clearly conveys that the word சக்தி has replaced the word ஆற்றல் (by and large) after the time of the Thirukkural.

ஆற்றல் comes from the Tamil root word ஆற்று which means - to do (eg செயல் ஆற்றினார்);
in another context, ஆற்று means to soothe (தணி).


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