Thursday, May 21, 2020

Today's Tamil word - 21st May 2020 - விலகல்

Resign - இராஜினாமா (Sanskrit/Hindi)

Original Tamil word - விலகல்

I can't fathom how a simple straight-forward native word of the language (விலகல்) gets replaced by a complex unrelated foreign word (இராஜினாமா) over the years!

Guess the patronage of the kings and the ruling echelons, for the Sanskrit language, had a big influence for this to happen. Only because the official communication of the rulers used to be with such words and not with native words, it got drilled into being used by the commoners; they had to toe the line beyond a point, as it had come from a position of power.

விலகுதல் is still the common Tamil verb in use for leaving/resigning but the society has succumbed to now using இராஜினாமா in places of official communication like letters, news articles, magazines etc.

அண. நாகப்பன்

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