Thursday, May 7, 2020

Today's Tamil word - 7th May 2020 - முறைகேடு

Unfair/Unreasonable/Unjust - அநியாயம் (Sanskrit)

Original Tamil words  - முறைகேடு/முறையின்மை/நடுவின்மை

Related word:

Justice - நீதி (Sanskrit)

Original Tamil words:
முறை, நெறி, நாணயம்

Any word with 'அ' prefix attached to another word to make it the opposite, should have come from Sanskrit. Examples: நியாயம் and அநியாயம், நீதி and அநீதி etc.

If you notice from the above, Tamil has the word நடுவின்மை for unjust and நடுநிலை for just, which mean being unbiased or being at the centre, while taking decisions. On a contrast, நீதி in Sanskrit means good or moral conduct/behaviour. Two different meanings in two different languages.

These nuances for the same word from one language to the other, is what explains the subtle differences in its originating cultures.

Another point to be noted is how the word நாணயம் not only means being fair/just but also is the Tamil word for currency (coins). This is the case to essentially convey that, any transaction between people, for which currency is the bedrock of, must be done in a fair way to all those involved in it.

அண. நாகப்பன்

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