Monday, May 4, 2020

Today's Tamil word - 4th May 2020 - புவி

Earth - பூமி (from Sanskrit/Pali)

Original Tamil word - புவி

The usage of the word பூமி cannot be found in Tamil before the Bhakti movement of the medieval period (7th century to 15th century CE). The Tamil language underwent a sea change during this period, especially in its cultural vocabulary due to this imposition of religion by the rulers.

More recently we have witnessed the influence of English on the common Tamil we all speak. The present form of Tamil is a result of such imperialisms.

The word புவி has, luckily still, been kept alive due to its reference in gravity. We say புவியீர்ப்பு for Gravity - with புவி meaning Earth and ஈர்ப்பு meaning attractiveness.

It just goes to show how a word can only be kept alive by keeping it in common use. These posts are an attempt to do just that.

அண. நாகப்பன்

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