Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Today's Tamil word - 5th May 2020 - சோறு

Boiled Rice - சாதம் (Sanskrit)

Original Tamil word - சோறு

When the word to denote the staple food of a culture is almost replaced, it just shows the level of contamination of the language, especially amongst the urban population.

The word சோறு is still in use in the rural lands quite liberally. Food and diet are a big part of a culture. Sangam literatures like நற்றினை, புறநானூறு, அகநானூறு, பதிற்றுப்பத்து, நாற்றுப்படை, mention in various places the cooking methods and food habits of the Tamils. We have had the habit of eating rice millets, lentils, tamarind pulp, fish and various meat in a predominately non-vegetarian diet except in the 'Marutham' (agri land) region. The very popular Chettinad cuisine retains most of these traits even today.

This article (link attached), which talks about the food habits of ancient Tamils, is an interesting read.
What ancient Tamils' ate?

அண. நாகப்பன்

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