Friday, May 8, 2020

Today's Tamil word - 8th May 2020 - பட்டறிவு

Experience: அனுபவம்

Original Tamil word: பட்டறிவு, நுகர்வு

The root word - படு means, to undergo. Even in our conversations today we use this: Eg. ரொம்ப சந்தோஷ/கஷ்ட பட போறான்.

பட்டறிவு = படு + அறிவு: translates to knowing by undergoing, which is experiencing.

The other word நுகர்வு is also used today, to denote a consumer (நுகர்வோர்) and consumerism, which is in the context of consumer experience. நுகர்வு is the opposite of துறவு. If you consume only that you basically need, you are said to live a life closer to துறவு!

துறவு is not to be estranged towards others and live like a sage. Going by the literal meaning of the word in Tamil, it only means leading a simple life by reducing unnecessary desires. Hence it is the opposite of நுகர்வு, which means to experience things.

அண. நாகப்பன்

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