Saturday, May 9, 2020

Today's Tamil word - 9th May 2020 - குப்பி

Bottle (English)

Tamil words : குப்பி, புட்டி, குடுவை

Bottle is one of the many words like bus, pen, tea, etc where English words have replaced the Tamil words after the British rule.

குடுவை means a vessel/container with a narrow mouth. குப்பி and புட்டி are the exact words for Bottle in Tamil.

It has now become very difficult for us to speak Tamil without these English words (or any other language words). We have come to accept words like 'Bottle' to be part of Tamil now.

Wish we could consciously start using குப்பி and புட்டி more often. It has taken over a hundred years for English to replace commonly used Tamil words for items/things. It might take another hundred years of consciously using the likes of குப்பி instead of bottle to reverse this. But unless we do so, as they say, தமிழ் இனி மெல்லச் சாகும்.

அண. நாகப்பன்

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